There is so much to be said about a company that recognizes the value of diversity and inclusion. When your company, organization or agency creates a diverse, inclusive environment, communication, collaboration and productivity are increased. This results in numerous benefits that include happier team members, higher talent retention and greater innovation. When your team members are representative of your clients or customers, they are in a better position to understand how those clients or customers think and what they feel. People with disabilities make up a sizable percentage of market share and hiring people with disabilities only increases this group’s purchasing power. Let me share with your teams my experience both as a consumer with a disability and a professional who has worked in numerous fields. I have presented to varied audiences on the values of diversity, inclusion and universal design. My unique inspirational message will address the most common questions and misconceptions about hiring and working with people who have a disability, how hiring and including people who have a disability on your team benefits your workforce and how diverse input on those teams translates in to a better product or service for your customers. Through my personal story, the audience will gain an understanding of how people who have a disability are simply a subset of the general population and what living without sight taught me about living with vision.
Are you interested in learning more? Contact me so we can customize a solution that meets your needs.